Meine Rechtfertigung als Logiker
MIDI Lookup Sampler (July / August 2021)
Starting with orthodox Bach, we invert time and the scale on the way, then it gets a bit minimal —and we end up at the humanly non-playable, only synthetically possible.
TECH NOTE: This is basically a looping MIDI sampler, but neither pitch nor time are looked up directly in the sample table. Rather, pitch lookup as well as time lookup use freely choosable tables (functions). In the video, you see me pick, and then later draw, the value series of exactly those tables.
Planes of Bach (July–September 2021)
Ambient Experimental Music using harmonies from two J. S. Bach preludes. Great for meditation and relaxing!
ExpTwo (2009, 2023)
Java Program for automatically composing Adagios, ILLIAC Suite style.